
My name is Sarah Scheiber.


In the autumn of 2007 I was living the American dream. 

Happily married to my husband, Chad, for over 12 years, we had three fabulous children.  Chad had just been named ‘officer of the year’ for the Midland, MI police department, and I had just released my first solo album called "Gratitude."  Chad and I had sown for years into local marriage ministry and were now poised to go national with a marriage ministry of our own. 

Life could not have been better.

Then, in one heartbeat, all the hopes and dreams of my heart changed.  Literally.  On October 7th, 2007, as Chad and I were running the Chicago Marathon, he collapsed and went home to be with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ right there on the streets of south Chicago.  In one instant, I became a 33-year-old widow and a single mama to three young children. 

Through the ensuing journey of grief, I found my Lord to be so faithful and gentle.  He led me through the valley.  He never abandoned me or told me I had to hurry up and be happy.  He was a faithful friend and a constant comfort to me in the loneliest and darkest days of my life. 

While my story has its own unique features, the reality is that people everywhere are struggling. 

Pain is no respecter of persons or religions.  If you walk this earth you will certainly experience heartache along the way.  The wonderful news is that we serve a God who cares about every situation we walk through. 

The good news, also, is that we serve a God who walks WITH us THROUGH every situation.

So, while my story is unique to me, my God is a stranger to no one and to no situation.  That means He is all you need for whatever you are walking through. 


Check out my concert resources and please consider having me come to your church or ministry event to share intimately with your group about God’s faithfulness in the journey.

I do both musical concerts and speaking engagements.

  • I speak often at women's conferences. Ask about my "Fishnet Stockings" workshop for your event!

  • I also have a lot to say to men! I teach men about what women want in a marriage...I had a fabulous one, so I can give great examples. Have me come speak to your men's group!

  • I also have special ministry to those who are grieving. I speak to widow's groups and have an outreach into the grief groups across the country.


- pablo picasso


Invite me to speak or minister in song during your worship service, your conference, your ministry event!


Much love,
